Windows 10 April Update review: It's about the little things | Windows Central.Review: Windows 10 April Update shows promise, but ultimately disappoints | Computerworld

Windows 10 April Update review: It's about the little things | Windows Central.Review: Windows 10 April Update shows promise, but ultimately disappoints | Computerworld

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- Windows 10 april 2018 update 


Windows 10 April Update - How to get it now - Microsoft Community.


A new version of Windows is out. Learn how to get it now instead of waiting for Microsoft to roll it out to your PC. You have prepared your PC for the big day. You are excited about the new features and improvements it will deliver. Microsoft gradually rolls out its big Windows updates because it doesn't want its servers to catch fire and explode with millions of Windows users downloading the update all at once. Как сообщается здесь first users will be able to download the update April 30, with more updates being rolled out in the following week.

Before you install manually, it's a good idea to check to make sure your computer hasn't already downloaded it. You might already have the necessary files, but Windows 10 is продолжить чтение polite and waiting until after your Active Hours to restart your computer and install the update.

If not, you can perform a quick scan by clicking the Check for updates button. If you swing and miss here, then you can proceed windows 10 april 2018 update the manual route. Run the file to open the Windows 10 Update Assistant, and windows 10 april 2018 update the instructions to complete the windows 10 april 2018 update process.

It's a quick and relatively painless process. Your guide to a better future. Want CNET to notify you of price drops and the latest stories? No, thank you Accept. Tech Computing. Matt Elliott. April windows 10 april 2018 update, a. Thankfully, there's a way to cut the line and install Windows 10 April Update manually.

Now playing: Watch this: Next major Windows 10 update coming April Receive expert tips on using phones, computers, smart home gear and more. Delivered Tuesdays and Thursdays.



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